A new trend is on the rise --the usage of backpacks as handbags by women. Typically of the smaller variety, backpacks take the strain off the neck of the well-worn fashionista accustomed to heavy, but adorable, traditional handbags. These packs can be spotted in an assortment of styles and prints at department stores. I discovered mine at Target for $30 last winter (avante garde? yes.).
What is the origin of this trend? Perhaps with the lengthening of time lived as a student (5 or 6 years spent towards a BA, those returning to school to change career paths. etc.) has brought out the practicality among my peers. These trendy backpacks are typically worn by those between the ages of 15 and 25. I have no doubt that the "hipster movement" had some influence on the bringing about of this trend also.
I experimented with this trend myself. I replaced my usual one-shoulder bag with my owl backpack for a trip to the mall, and discovered that not only did my shoulders feel wonderful, but the wearing of such a bag recaptures the youthful spirit in me. I felt light and free of burden as a child, ready to explore my environment with wide, sparkling eyes.
I have decided to continue in this backpack-wearing venture for the time being. Life is an adventure; why not face it as such?