Thursday, December 1, 2011

Shopping 101.

  Despite what the opposite sex may think, successful shopping is hard (but enjoyable) work.  There is so much to consider!  Versatility, quality, effect on skin tone, comfort... the list goes on.  Just to make life a little easier during this busy Christmas season (and perhaps when you reward yourself just a tad with a Christmas gift to yourself), here are some quick and easy tips as you add to your wardrobe.

1. When in doubt, don't. If you have doubts while still in the "honeymoon period" of your relationship with this new piece, then things will only go downhill from there! If you would prefer it in a different color or slightly different cut, chances are, you will find something better.
2. Just think about it.  If you aren't sure about a particular item for some reason, perhaps a little too pricey or difficult to match, put it on hold and come back later.  The glamour often disapates to reasonable levels if you spend a little time apart from your new love.

3. Check the return policy. If it's a department store, like Kohl's or JC Penny's, there's little to no time limit for returns --you buy it, bring it home, and decide if you really like/need it as badly as you thought in the store.

4. The skintone effect.  Check how the item effects your the color of your face! This applies more to tops, jackets, scarves, and dresses than to trousers and skirts.  When you shop, wear a color that you know compliments your skin tone.  For instance, I know I look good in a warm navy blue --it brings color to my cheeks and warmth overall to my skin.  When you've spotted an item you like go in front of a mirror and hold it up under your chin.  Compare the item's effect on your face to the top you are wearing.  If the color is not for you, it will visibly drain the color from your skin, making your face appear gray or yellow.  Your goal is warm, glowing skin.

5. Stay true to your style.  There's nothing wrong with buying for a particular event, but don't dress to impress someone else if it means buying something that will take up residence in the back of your closet for a few years. 

Happy shopping and Merry Christmas!


  1. This is good advice for buying anything, not just cloths. The info about how clothing affects your face was very helpful. Good advice all around, Thanks Lizzie.

  2. Very nice, Liz. My shopping tip: Squeeze the ends of a cucumber to make sure it's not too soft.
